PC-DMIS NC® brings the proven technologies of PC-DMIS, the world's most advanced CMM software, to the work of on-machine part setup and validation. Now, manufacturers are taking full advantage of their CNC probes by making on-machine metrology an integral part of their advanced manufacturing and quality assurance systems.
PC-DMIS NC - On-machine 3-dimensional metrology
PC-DMIS NC® brings the proven technologies of PC-DMIS, the world's most advanced CMM software, to the work of on-machine part setup and validation. Now, manufacturers are taking full advantage of their CNC probes by making on-machine metrology an integral part of their advanced manufacturing and quality assurance systems.
With PC-DMIS NC, it is no longer necessary to struggle with the difficulties and limitations of cryptic macro languages, and it is no longer necessary to deal with the restricted capacities of their algorithms. Users develop inspection programs working in a sophisticated and easy to-use programming environment and employ a suite of PTB certified algorithms to evaluate measurement data.
CAM Software for CNC probingHistorically, machine tool probes, with their restricted functionality and limited macro languages, have been of minimal use for all but the simplest applications. Now, with PC-DMIS NC you have access to all of the programming and data management capabilities of a full featured CMM measurement package.
Feedback for process controlPC-DMIS NC monitors your operations while the parts are still on the machine, making real time evaluation a reality. It compares measured features to the CAD model for fast and accurate analysis. And by using the built-in SPC module, tracking and evaluating any of your processes over time is effortless.
Other features and benefits:
- Develop, test and debug NC inspection routines on 2D and 3D CAD models. Because all of this work is done off-line, this process has zero impact on machine utilization.
- Download inspection routines to your NC controllers automatically.
- Build inspection paths in standard G and M formats. Operators do not have to learn a new language or a special measurement application.
- Collect and evaluate measurement data as it is generated without operator intervention. The resulting information goes where it needs to go in a format best suited to its intended audience.
- Make quick checks during setup and eliminate most programming and setup faults before they become expensive mistakes. Prevent human error from letting scrap and rework cost time and money.
- Eliminate the delays and errors inherent in manual inspection
- Check work offsets by measuring selected part geometry, then fine tune and automatically update them.
- Align and measure the most complex contoured parts and tooling easily.
- Evaluate parts on the machine during machining. Get a full understanding of your process, its strengths and its weaknesses.
- Check measurement results directly against the CAD model using a powerful 3D analytical engine and advanced fitting algorithms
- Track and automatically modify cutting programs to compensate for changes in tool characteristics